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Tochkova Harp Trio - Album "Allégresse"

Published on 05/07/2024 à 12:00

"They pinch, they slide, they resonate 
It swings, it beats, it calms"

Driven by Youliana Tochkova-Patrouilleau - composer and harpist - the trio who came together in 2019 are from the French department, Eure-et-Loir, where all three members currently work and live.

Frédérique Veyrac, Clara Maître and Youliana T-Patrouilleau share a deep artistic involvement which worked to bring them together. They work with an original new repertoire, arranged and composed by Youliana, that focuses on highlighting the sound, expressions and capabilities of the harp.

Inspiration for their music comes from many sources ranging from the Middle Ages to the modern day, the trio offers a musical collection of different styles and genres influenced by the accents and intonations of the Balkans linked to the origins of the composer.

The unusual rhythms and new techniques create a musical theatre - "this small orchestra of pinched cords" remain close and connected to their audiences who never cease to be enchanted and impressed by the beauty and originality of their music. 

Tochkova Harp Trio
Album "Allégresse"
Composition and arrangement - Y.Tochkova-Patrouilleau
Performed - Frédérique Veyrac
Clara Maître, Y.T-Patrouilleau
Sound engineer - Antoine Mercier
Celtic harps "Camac"
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

Apple Music https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1744904102

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/4VBP3ItB64t4zWVX23Q4CQ

YouTube https://youtu.be/ccgxCvVffzA


Communiqué publié par Braoude Lydia
Published on 05/07/2024 à 12:00 sur 24presse.com
Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company ltd


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Braoude Lydia

Company : Plaza Mayor Company ltd