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IT Professionals Survey Launched Europe-wide

Published on 22/05/2024 à 17:13

IT Professionalism Europe is undertaking a survey of IT professionals across the continent to better understand what the profession needs to develop. The international survey is open to IT professionals across the continent until 17 June and can be accessed via itprofessionalism.org/it-professionals-survey.

Jakub Christoph, Secretary General of CEPIS, said, "In a time of constant technological change, with massive upheavals caused by new technologies such as AI, it is more important than ever that the tech workforce in Europe is ready and able to meet the challenges of the digital transformation."

He continued, "The results of this survey will be an important tool for understanding what concrete actions we can take to make sure that Europe’s IT workforce is competitive and at the cutting edge."

The survey is open to anyone who works in IT, and the results will inform the future development of IT Professionalism Europe, as well as our understanding of the IT profession today. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a €40 Amazon voucher.


IT Professionalism Europe is a CEPIS initiative that aims to be the home of IT professionals in Europe, gathering resources and information on topics such as the eCompetence Framework, labour market trends, and more. It also serves as a community hub, bringing experts from computer societies around the continent, with practitioners and organisations dedicated to building IT into a respected and trusted profession.


Tom Scott-Redford
Mail: tom.scott-redford@cepis.org

Communiqué publié par Scott-Redford Tom
Published on 22/05/2024 à 17:13 sur 24presse.com
Scott-Redford Tom


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Scott-Redford Tom

Company : CEPIS