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Jose Fallot – Album 'Another Romantic #4'

Published on 21/05/2021 à 14:52


The flying French romantic jazzman is back again.  As we know from earlier releases, his romanticism is not dramatic, nor sad or heavy. Let’s say Fallot is another romantic, but without the boring and pretentious jazz pathos that was invading jazz clubs in Paris and festivals all over Europe before the Great Flood.

After these hard times with no beer in a cave listening to good stuff, it’s a chance to hold such an album that is not to flatter our presumed interest for the anti mainstream deconstructed free-jazz revival. 

From opus to opus, the band Jose slowly put together is extending and developing new line-ups but it’s a true working band, having played hundreds of concerts but still sounding fresh and enthusiastic. Better say it’s not a combo of hipsters attending one of those funeral parties we more and more have to stand here and there. It’s not either a stomp nor even afro funk orchestra that would only be contented by forcing us to dance like mosquitoes around a neon, taping our foot is enough. 

That album is just another way to compose and play some contemporary jazz with a perceptible knowledge of most periods and styles that music went through. The result is that we get a bunch of songs that is like a bunch of wild flowers, nothing to do with a strict and posh eleven rose brassée. Having sailed since forty five years from the Silva influenced C.I.M. in Paris to bop, from Steps to film music or Petrucciani, Jose Fallot brilliantly remained what I would call a Joyeux Rameur (happy rower), just as one of tunes is titled, and nothing like a grandiloquent pisse-froid.

Bernard Ivain

Jose Fallot – Album “Another Romantic #4”
A new Jazz Romantic signature…
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd
Distribution The Orchard-Sony Music

01 – Minor Circle
02 – Sides
03 – The Way
04 – Joyeux Rameur
05 – Annecity Blues
06 – Escape
07 – Blues in 8 to 12
08 – Arsenic Blues
09 – What’s Your Game
10 – The Way They Show Us
11 – When I’m 64

Apple Music : https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1563826219 
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/2YmndyYMD1X1bRqrWo6iht 
YouTube : https://youtu.be/6vfY3U1gniI


Communiqué publié par Braoude Lydia
Published on 21/05/2021 à 14:52 sur 24presse.com
Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company Ltd


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Braoude Lydia

Company : Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

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Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

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