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Raghunath Manet - Album “Veena Dreams”

Publié le 20/09/2022 à 14:10

2,3, and 4 December at Radio France Theater
With Gilberto Gil

A magician of sound and senses, Raghunath Manet takes us into a world of vision and fusion. Like a prophet of happiness, he gives meaning to our desires elsewhere.

A native of Pondicherry, India, Dr. Raghunath Manet is an artist, dancer-choreographer, musician composer, singer, writer, actor and filmmaker.

In dance he specializes in the classical Indian Bharatanatyam, and in music he performs on the Veena, Indian stringed instrument.

Raghunath performs on international stages (Opera-Bastille, London’s Shakespeare Globe, Rome’s Olympico Theater) and has performed with Archie Shepp, Michel Portal, Didier Lockwood, Richard Galliano and Carolyn Carlson. In 2018, Dr Manet received the Special Recognition Award “Global Ambassador for Indian Music” from the Indywood Film Festival.

Raghunath Manet
Album “Veena Dreams”
World vision and fusion…
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd
Cd Digital – Cd Physical Limited Edition

Apple Music https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1619978598

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/0yAG43LrBnDJfdlJ7cPjml

YouTube https://youtu.be/vs5uimgsFsg

Tv5Monde interview on July 21, 2022


Lydia Braoude, Promotion Department
Plaza Mayor Company ltd
Email: plazamayorcompanytv@gmail.com


Communiqué publié par Braoude Lydia
Publié le 20/09/2022 à 14:10 sur 24presse.com
Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company ltd


Communiqué libre de tous droits de diffusion. Citer source ou lien : 24presse.com

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Braoude Lydia

Société : Plaza Mayor Company ltd

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Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company ltd


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