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With revenue exceeding €1.3B, AKKA launches its strategic plan CLEAR 2022

Published on 08/02/2018 à 10:32

AKKA exceeds its 2018 targets in 2017
Increase in revenue of +18.9%, which is much higher than expected
Acceleration of growth in Q4 
Strong recruitment momentum, which will support growth in 2018

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akka technologies
- Growth accelerated during the fourth quarter in our three Business Units (BU). This was sustained by the numerous projects won in digital technologies, in the automotive, aerospace, railway and energy sectors.
- The fourth-quarter revenue amounted to €357.6M, up 19.4% compared to Q4 2016. Economic growth** was excellent: +9.4%, with +11.6% in France, +4.9% in Germany and +14.7% internationally.
- At €1.3B, the 2017 revenue is up 18.9%, driven in particular by the 17% increase in workforce at the end of 2017. As at 31 December 2017, the Group had 15,515 employees (compared to 13,252 at the end of 2016), with 6,996 in France, 4,734 in Germany and 3,785 internationally. 
- This strong recruitment momentum will sustain the Group’s development internationally and in the new digital technologies sector. 

With sales of €551.7M, France recorded excellent economic growth of 9.2% for the whole of 2017. The acceleration observed during the first nine months of the year increased in Q4. Economic growth amounted to 11.6% for this quarter. In a dynamic environment, AKKA Technologies accelerated its market share gains in the digital technologies sector. This acceleration was supported by the strong recruitment momentum. The BU hired 650 engineers and reached 7 000 collaborators at the end of 2017. This dynamic indicates continued strong growth for 2018. 
Germany achieved a revenue of €486.2M, up 25.7% for the whole of 2017. Economic growth amounted to 5.6% for the period, at the same pace as in the first nine months of the year. The integration of GIGATRONIK continued successfully, with the deployment of its digital activities across the rest of the Group. After winning its first project to design an autonomous vehicle (Autonomous Driving Assistance Systems) worth €7.5M at the end of 2017, in late January the BU won a €28M contract  regarding strategic activities for the VW Group. Other contracts are expected to follow . They reflect the success of the BU’s digital positioning and its potential for growth.
The Group’s international activities (excl. Germany) recorded a revenue of €296.4M in 2017, up 30.7%. Economic growth touched 10% and further acceleration was observed in the fourth quarter (+14.7%). This respectable momentum was sustained by the excellent performance of the Life Sciences activity, which increased organically by 20% in Q4. Italy (+23% in Q4) and Eastern Europe (Romania, Turkey and the Czech Republic) also drove the BU’s growth. North America and Asia experienced a strong momentum as well, indicating an acceleration of the Group’s development in these regions. 


- Digital technologies and the technologies of the future constitute a major transversal and international development axis. The Group’s expertise in these domains has been greatly strengthened by the recent acquisitions of Auronik, Erlkönig and GIGATRONIK. This expertise is recognised by its clients and has enabled the Group to win many contracts. Most significant wins:

. AKKA has been appointed by a German manufacturer to design new-generation advanced driver-assistance systems. AKKA works on two technological levels:

As a strategic partner on the pre-development of a new- generation advanced driver systems, drawing on the Group’s know-how in  integration and validation of electronic systems, hardware, sensors and software.

- The development of new features for the final customer regarding the car’s connected parking-assistance system. These developments rely on the Group’s skills in IT, embedded electronics and dependability.  

. AKKA unveiled a “cockpit of the future” project for connected and autonomous vehicules  at the 2018 Las Vegas CES. Capitalising on its expertise in connected technologies, software, integration and car design, AKKA notably ensured the integration of all components onboard,  designed the mechanical structure and contributed to the development of the “Smart Life on Board” concept. 

. AKKA contributes to the mechatronic evolution of the car-to-ground connecting components. The Group develops a new electromechanic system of transmission which replaces the conventional mechanical connections.
. The development of an electric, autonomous and connected demo car for a significant OEM. This level-4 autonomous vehicule concept, which is close to production vehicules, has two integrated electrical powertrains in the back wheels. AKKA designed the 3D digital model, the electric and electronic architecture, and ensured body in white research as well as the vehicule’s development and integration.
. A project to design and develop a web app for visualising the waste recovery performance of all of EDF’s sites and those of its contractors.

- Besides, the Group was awarded in February 2018 for the 3rd year running the “Top Employers” certification in France, and in Germany1. This certification led by an independent body recognises every year the best companies in the world in the field of human resources and staff management. AKKA was awarded this year for the quality of its work environment and its ability to encourage talent development.

- 2017 - The Group exceeded its objectives in terms of revenue and margins for the fourth consecutive year. The strong momentum of its activities in mobility enabled it to achieve organic growth of 8% in 2017, which is amongst the best in the technology consulting sector.

- AKKA Technologies expects to record a 2017 operating profit from activities*** that is slightly higher than €95M, up more than 20% compared to the figure recorded in 2016.

Overall, the Group will have reached, in 2017, the 2018 objectives of its PACT 17 strategic plan.

- 2018 - The strong recruitment momentum observed in 2017 continued in January 2018. Combined with the increase in the number of digital technologies projects, this momentum indicates a solid growth dynamic and further margin improvements for 2018.

- CLEAR 2022 – Following the previous success of its PACT 17 plan, the Group will communicate on 26, February 2018, its new strategic plan CLEAR 2022.
* growth at constant scope and exchange rates 
** growth at constant scope, exchange rates and number of working days
*** operating profit calculated before non-recurring items and expenses relating to stock options and free shares
(1) Certification “Top Employers Engenieure Deutschland” for our subsidiaries AKKA Germany et MBtech in Germany. 
Upcoming events:

Presentation of the CLEAR 2022 strategic plan: Monday, 26 February 2018

Publication of the 2017 annual results: Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Presentation of the 2017 annual results: Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Publication of the first-quarter revenue of 2018: Monday, 30 April 2018

About AKKA Technologies

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Let’s share our passion for technology.”

AKKA Technologies is a European Engineering and Technology Consulting Group that supports large manufacturing and tertiary services companies, seeing their projects through from the initial studies and R&D to large-scale production. AKKA Technologies is an expert in various complementary business lines, and brings real value added to customers in sectors including aerospace, automotive, space/defence, cybersecurity, consumer electronics, telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, steel, energy, rail, marine and service industries.

Leader in the automotive and aerospace sectors in Germany and France, AKKA Technologies works worldwide on projects at the forefront of technology thanks to the mobility of its teams and its international positioning.

The AKKA Technologies Group has more than 13,000 employees and operates in 20 countries, namely Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, UK and US. It is focused on building a group of €1.2 billion in revenue, of which more than 50% outside France.

AKKA Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris - Segment B - ISIN code: FR0004180537.

For more information, please visit www.akka-technologies.com

Follow us on: https://twitter.com/AKKA_Tech

In case of discrepancy between the French and English versions of this press release, only the French version should be deemed valid.



Communiqué publié par ACTUS MARTIN
Published on 08/02/2018 à 10:32 sur 24presse.com


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