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Fabio Abate - Album "A Km 0"

Published on 10/25/2021, 3:34 PM


Presentation of the album "A km 0"

"A km 0", meaning "made at a distance of zero km", or "zero miles recording" is the title of the new album by the Sicilian singer-songwriter Fabio Abate.

An intense musical journey that arises during the lock down period.

An artisan laboratory work wanted and conceived by the singer-songwriter himself who made use of the "Km 0" rules to make it happen.

Recording live in the habitat of his own house and his personal studio, without the help of large recording studios, Fabio Abate conceives this project that ranges from electro-pop to traditional sounds, from the typical ballads of his style to the dream stories of his repertoire.

Ten unpublished songs, with an international flavor, in some of them Fabio often betrays his Sicilian origin also in the dialect and in another - sung in English - he reveals his boundless artistic nature.

Fabio Abate is a singer-songwriter, artistic producer and composer from Catania.

In 2010 he released the album "Itinerario precario (Precarious Itinerary)" for Carmen Consoli's Narciso Records, for which he was also the author. One of the songs written by Fabio, "Senza farsi male (Without getting hurt)", was included in the soundtrack of the film "L'uomo che ama (The man who loves)" by Maria Sole Tognazzi and received a nomination for the Nastri d'Argento and the David di Donatello as best original song.

In 2020 on the occasion of Salvatore Adamo's 60-year career, Fabio Abate sang together with Adamo himself and Riccardo Cocciante, Morgan and other artists the song "La notte", to remember one of the most famous songs of the Italian song that has sold over 100,000,000 copies worldwide.

FABIO ABATE – Album “A Km 0”
Italian Pop
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd 
Cd Digital & Cd Physical

-    01 – Plastica
-    02 – L’abitudine
-    03 – E intanto immaginavo
-    04 – Valentina
-    05 – Come ti Vorrei
-    06 – Agatina
-    07 – Ah che bella giornata
-    08 – Il serio del twist
-    09 – Come le stelle
-    10 – Isa li manu

Apple Music https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1586629687 
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/4NRXAc2tI2o7I8MnGscXQ6 
YouTube https://youtu.be/KPYj_mWnzRU


Press release published by Braoude Lydia
Published on 10/25/2021, 3:34 PM on 24presse.com
Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company ltd


Press release free of rights. Mention : 24presse 24presse.com

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Braoude Lydia

Company : Plaza Mayor Company ltd

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Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company ltd


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