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Jose Promis - Album "Promises"

Published on 03/10/2022, 4:16 PM

World Pop from LA, Berlin…

JOSE PROMIS is a Chilean-American singer-songwriter and composer, son of the well-known Chilean literature professor José Promis.

His eponymous debut album was released in 2005 and revealed that Promis was already influenced by the French chanson method and adult pop music structure, but there was a decidedly lo-fi element to the long player. The second album Promis issued, Promis 2 (2007), uncovered further sonic touchstones which included classical, Gothic, Mediterranean, and Balkan music.

In a review of Promis 2, reviewer Leonard Lair remarked of the album, "Promis 2 is too long an album to take in one sitting, but overall, it's the slower, subtler songs that should ensure Promis has a future beyond the reputation of a showman."

From 2008 Promis teamed up with British producer Ian Matthews in Los Angeles, who produced the third album Promis III. Matthews would become a musical partner throughout his career. The basic idea for this album was to combine Promis chansons with electronic production, putting Promis' songs to darker synthesizer sound.

Jose Promis – Album "Promises"
World Pop from LA, Berlin…
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1604248949

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/4U4IFJpiqN8zUumGcXyyNd

YouTube: https://youtu.be/v7yzoGNcyb0https://youtu.be/Fi25tkWFPfg



Press release published by Braoude Lydia
Published on 03/10/2022, 4:16 PM on 24presse.com
Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company Ltd


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Braoude Lydia

Company : Plaza Mayor Company Ltd