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MASAE GIMBAYASHI – Album “Je Te Veux »

Published on 03/04/2020, 4:23 PM

“In this album improvisation is integrated between Satie and Gershwin, a sign of her unique musicality cultivated in jazz. The music of the past and its "now" light up like a mirror. The selection of music, and of course the performance itself are perfect. The excellent quality of the recording that captures the sound of the piano undoubtedly increases its value”- Shin-ichi Numabé music critic, Japan

Masaé GImbayashi

Masaé performs in Europe and Japan, USA, invited to the Festivals such as Normandy Impressionist, Albert Roussel Festival, Bray Norman jazz festival, 150th anniversary of Franco-Japanese friendships, 150th opening of the port of Yokohama, Festival des Bell towers... Winner of national and international competitions, student of Jay Gottlieb and Victoria Melki, Serge Petitgirard.

She has recorded 5 solo albums at Plaza Mayor Company Ltd (last february 2020 'I want you') and 1 album by Trio Waziniak (entanglement) 'Motian's traces'. Jury member of the piano competition "Pianoopen" in Mérignac in 2009, Les Keys d'Or international competition, and the ambassador of the golden keys competition in Tokyo.

"Dazzling concert" - She perfectly explores the variety and richness of the instrument. A pure happiness for the public who reminds her again and again" (The Dauphiné Libéré, France)

"A new phase of piano music has been shown" (Chopin, Japan)

Masaé Gimbayashi - Album "Je te veux"
Classic variations
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd
Distribution Sergent Major Company Ltd - The Orchard

-    01 – Improvisation 1
-    02 – 1ere Gymnopedie
-    03 – Improvisation 2
-    04 – 2em Gymnopedie
-    05 – Improvisation 3
-    06 – 3eme Gymnopedie
-    07 – Improvisation 4
-    08 – Nocturne (1ere)
-    09 – Improviation 5
-    10 – Je Te Veux
-    11 – Improvisation 6
-    12 – Clap Yo’Hands
-    13 – Improvisation 7
-    14 – The Man I Love
-    15 – Improvisation 8
-    16 – Two Waltzes in C
-    17 – Improvisation 2017 5
-    18 – Sonatine 1
-    19 – Sonatine 2
-    20 – Sonatine 3
-    21 – Prelude N. 7 (…La Terrasse des audiences du clair de lune) se livre
-    22 – Prelude N. 8 (..Ondine) 2e livre

Apple Music https://itunes.apple.com/album/id1498065965

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/5wP9x6tOBCxwxnxHx10kWU

YouTube https://youtu.be/4qgqiw3y-wA

Fan Links https://fanlink.to/cB2p




Press release published by Braoude Lydia
Published on 03/04/2020, 4:23 PM on 24presse.com
Braoude Lydia
Plaza Mayor Company ltd


Press release free of rights. Mention : 24presse 24presse.com

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Braoude Lydia

Company : Plaza Mayor Company ltd