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Arthur Andersen
Press Room


It is the most prestigious of the brands of Consulting carried by an international network of legally independent affiliated members. Each member is formally committed to serving its customers and scrupulously respecting the historical and fundamental val

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Last press releases

ARTHUR ANDERSEN sues ANDERSEN TAX LLC in several criminal procedures

Publié le 14/06/2017 à 15:16

ARTHUR ANDERSEN & Co. has engaged criminal procedures in France against ANDERSEN TAX LLC for Criminal conspiracy, Forgery, Use of forged documents and Organized fraud. ARTHUR ANDERSEN & Co. is putting a lot of effort into ending and strictly sanctioning the illegal actions committed by ANDERSEN TAX LLC since 2014, all implemented in order to appropriate fraudulently the notorious trademarks ARTHUR ANDERSEN and ANDERSEN, which are exclusively and legitimately owned by ARTHUR ANDERSEN & Co. since 2013.... [Read more]

The worldwide network Arthur Andersen reopens with 26 offices in 16 countries on 5 continents

Publié le 01/03/2017 à 17:21

As from the 1st of March 2017, it is a reality: through a French initiative, Arthur Andersen is reconstituted, with 26 offices on 5 continents and in 16 Countries.... [Read more]

Le réseau Arthur Andersen présent dans 26 bureaux sur 16 pays et 5 continents dès sa réouverture

Publié le 01/03/2017 à 17:18

Le 1er mars 2017, c’est désormais une réalité : sur une initiative française, l’authentique Arthur Andersen se reconstitue, avec une présence dans 26 bureaux répartis dans 16 pays sur 5 continents.... [Read more]

Press conference : The original Arthur Andersen will re launch their worldwide operations with 26 offices on 5 continents and in 16 Countries

Publié le 28/02/2017 à 16:44

... [Read more]

Conférence de presse : Le réseau Arthur Andersen présent dans 26 bureaux sur 16 pays et 5 continents dès sa réouverture

Publié le 24/02/2017 à 13:12

... [Read more]

Lancio mondiale della nuova rete internazionale Arthur Andersen

Publié le 31/05/2016 à 15:20

Arthur Andersen lancia una campagna internazionale di affiliazione alla sua nuova rete e trasforma il proprio sito Internet nel punto focale per i futuri Membri che condividono i suoi stessi valori.... [Read more]

Worldwide launch of the new Arthur Andersen global network

Publié le 31/05/2016 à 15:19

Arthur Andersen formally launches its international affiliation campaign for membership in its new network. Its Website will be the focal point for future Members who share Arthur Andersen’s common values. ... [Read more]

Lancement opérationnel du nouveau réseau mondial Arthur Andersen

Publié le 01/06/2016 à 15:17

Arthur Andersen lance sa campagne internationale d’affiliation à son nouveau réseau et fait de son site Internet le point de convergence et de partage de ses valeurs communes aux futurs Membres.... [Read more]

Arthur Andersen to restart from Europe in 2016

Publié le 15/09/2015 à 12:09

Arthur Andersen, the international network of B2B services founded in Chicago in 1913, has been considerably metamorphosed and will restart under its historical brand name.... [Read more]

Arthur Andersen, ancien leader mondial des services B2B renaîtra en Europe en 2016 sous sa marque historique

Publié le 15/09/2015 à 12:09

Arthur Andersen, l’ancien leader mondial des services B2B fondé à Chicago en 1913, renaîtra en Europe en 2016 sous sa marque historique après une profonde métamorphose. ... [Read more]