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'Antisuicide, An essay on existential psychoanalysis', by french psychologist Claude Lorin

Published on 26/10/2016 à 11:34

livre claude lorin antisuicideThis book is a warning!  Do you know that more than 800 000 people commit suicide all over the world? In France it is more than 10 000 people a year, that is 27 people a day, more than one person every hour.

This book has two main objectives.The first step is to plan as much prevention on suicide as possible with additional and innovative modes. The second step is to think upon situations where suicide is an issue for some writers, philosophers, and great historical figures in the light of existential psychoanalysis. By no way it is a book of recipes.

About Claude Lorin

University professor and clinical psychologist, Claude Lorin was awarded "La médaille d'Or" from the French Ministry of  the Interior ( 2012) for services rendered to psychiatric hospitals. He is the author of books wich have been translated into Spanish, Italian, Russian, Greek and English. He is also the Director of the "Art-therapy" collection of the L'Harmattan Editions.

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Communiqué publié par Lorin Claude
Published on 26/10/2016 à 11:34 sur 24presse.com
Lorin Claude


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