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Root-Me launches its Premium subscription service to support a new collaborative model in I.T security training

Publié le 17/12/2019 à 11:18

Root-Me has been engaged for more than 10 years in a community approach aimed at democratizing IT security. With more than 250,000 members today, the association provides hundreds of challenges and complete training spaces allowing for a fun and interactive learning process for the I.T security sector. Root-Me now offers a Premium subscription service allowing access to content adapted to the latest technologies and environments.

Computer security is a sector that continues to evolve at a proportional rate to the number of new uses, new technologies, new methods of cyber attack and defence. While skills in the field are already insufficient today, in the future several million positions will become open (3.5 million by 2021 according to Cybersecurity venture).

Faced with this deficit, and in order to offer learning adapted to today's realities, Root-Me now offers a Premium subscription allowing exclusive access to many challenges adapted to all levels and designed to teach the latest techniques in terms of IT security by training on up to date platforms (Windows, Blockchain, etc.).

Respect of collaborative values

As an association, free learning for all has always been at the heart of Root-Me, which is why access to this new subscription can be done in several ways:

• Creating and proposing new challenges (Contributing)
• By paying the sum of 10 euros / month or 5 euros / month for students (Subscribing)

Why is this the right model?

Because subscribing to a premium subscription means contributing to the community, either by providing more and more content, or by supporting investments related to the daily management of this content and the purchase of licenses and equipment, to provide up-to-date and powerful platforms.

About Root-Me

Root-Me is a non-profit 1901 law association whose objective is to promote the free dissemination of knowledge relating to ethical hacking and information security. This association and its members constitute a community where all users can contribute and participate in the development of the site.

Root-Me's DNA is part of an ethical approach to sharing information and knowledge applied to the field of digital security. In a world where the Internet is expanding by leaps and bounds and where as users we are all concerned about the risks of cyber attacks, Root-Me believes that everyone should be able to learn and understand computer security.

Some key figures
•    Ten years in operation
•    More than 250000 members
•    More than 400000 visits per month to the site
•    More than 350 exercises or challenges as well as numerous shared platforms (CTFalltheday).




Communiqué publié par Dartigalongue Sébastien
Publié le 17/12/2019 à 11:18 sur 24presse.com
Dartigalongue Sébastien


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Dartigalongue Sébastien

Société : Root-Me

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Dartigalongue Sébastien


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