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Zaveapp, the digital piggybank for travel lovers enters Europe
Published on 12/12/2017, 12:15 PM
Zaveapp founders started the business in Mexico 2 years ago, with the support of Wayra, and decided to scale internationally as demand for the service came from different countries since day one. With more than 60 000 transactions, the app is already a great success in Mexico & was recently selected as one of the 50 Emerging Stars in the international top 100 Fintech selection made by KPMG & H2 Ventures.
How does the app work ?
Zaveapp is a mobile application available for Android and IOS devices that helps millennials who love to travel save money in an easy way by setting up goals and saving money towards it, like an old piggybank. The app and customer service is currently available in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish.
Users can create saving teams with their friends and encourage each other to reach a common goal such as their next summer trip to Asia and get the money back without fee’s if they use it with Affiliate Travel Agencies such as Booking.com. Payment processing and money is held in Escrow, managed by Mangopay (Crédit Mutuel Arkéa) one of the top Fintech companies in Europe.
About Zaveapp
The Zaveapp team is directed by Octavio Novelo (CEO & co-founder) and Fernando Gomez (CTO & Co-founder). With offices in Mexico City and Paris, Zaveapp has a multicultural team of 10 people, all connected with the same idea in mind : making savings for travel easy and fun for millennials.
Press release published by CRESPIN Mathilde
Published on 12/12/2017, 12:15 PM on 24presse.com
CRESPIN Mathilde
Press release free of rights. Mention : 24presse 24presse.com
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